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WWF Target League

The Weyburn Wildlife Federation archery target league registration and first day shooting will start on January 12, 2020 @ 1 pm. Come check it out and decide if you want to join. You must have a Weyburn Wildlife Federation and archery membership to participate. Memberships will be available that day.

The target league will shoot on a Vegas three-spot target face (10-9-8-7-6) scoring areas. Youth can shoot then single-spot face with 10 through 1 scoring. The x-ring of the 40 cm Indoor Vegas Face will be used for tiebreaks in the Flights divisions and for 4th place or below in the Championship divisions. After the fifth end of competition the target faces are rotated from bottom to top.

This is a fun league but you will have to pick which class of shooter you are so you shot against the same group. Picture of you score and target must be sent to Morley at 306-861-0843 by Monday night and scores will be posted on our Facebook page & our web page by Wednesday.

Distance will change weekly : 10, 20 & max 30 Yards (youth 10, 15 & max 20yards)

Rounds: Can be shoot on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will consist of 10 ends; 3 arrows per end.

This is a fun league and if you want more information contact Morley at 306-861-0843.

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