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Weyburn Wildlife Federation

Box 612, Weyburn SK S4H 2K2

April 2, 2019

Now is the time to renew your membership and to remind your friends and family to do the same. You can pick up a membership from club executives and members, also at Home Hardware, Prairie Wind Recreational or Prairie Sky Co-op Outdoor Adventure stores. All members and guests are welcome to attend monthly meetings which are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. At the clubhouse 3 miles south of Weyburn on Hwy 35, “South Weyburn School”.

Hide /Antler collection -Joe Honig - proceeds are donated to the SWF Habitat Trust Fund which is used to purchase and enhance wildlife habitat. Heads, legs and garbage must be properly disposed of at the Landfill.. Sorry -hide collection has been suspended, due to market conditions. We are keeping antlers -to be sold later contact Joe Honig, Glen Fleming or John van Winkoop

Our old clubhouse has been removed and cleaned up and the property has been sold. We are planning to build a 42 ft. by 150 ft. building for our indoor archery programs (and storage).

Walleye Rearing pond – Repairs/ maintenance over the years have included a partial liner (2009), new control gate and part of the culvert(2014), new fence on the east and north sides(2015). This year it will be kept dry.

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation website – -online magazine

Provincial Youth Outdoor Leadership & Conservation School – for teenagers aged 12-15. It is a one week camp for girls and one week for boys. The camp is held north of Prince Albert at the Hannin Creek facility near Candle Lake, July 20-26 (girls), July 27- Aug 2 (boys) and a second camp for boys Aug.11-17, 2019. Applications must be filled out by the applicant, stating why they want to go, submitted to their local club for selection and submission to Central Office. Activities include shooting, archery, camping and outdoor games. It’s great fun and you get to meet other teens in an outdoor setting. Our club pays the registration fee. Do you know a youth who would be interested? Get your application now! Deadline is April 9 for selection. Applications available on the SWF website or our executives, filled out and returned to our Executives.

Coming events: the Provincial Henry Kelsey Awards this year @ Macklin – April 13, 2019

Our “Fred Garner Memorial Banquet and Trophy Night” will be April 27, 2019, @ the Cugnet Convention Center this year 5:00 pm- 11:00 pm -raffles, auction, door prizes.

Indoor Archery shoot was March 9-10, next Outdoor shoot will be June 22-23, 2019

We will be hosting the Provincial Convention in Feb. 2020

Look us up – we are on facebook, look for Weyburn Wildlife Federation

Our website is also online, still in development.

Our Executives: Ph Email

President Tim Kerslake 861-6985

Vice Pres. Shaun Ortman 861-8095

Secretary Tricia Kot 861-2052

Treasurer Jacqueline Kerslake 861-2641

Memberships Morley Forsgren 861-0843

Archery chair Morley Forsgren

Youth Co-ordinator Tricia Kot

Weights & measures Ryan Englot 861-3288 zc­

Fisheries Glen Fleming 842-6491

Hide collection Joe Honig 842-5710

Rearing pond Larry Olfert 842-4814/ 861-2344

P R Terra Hartley 861-8235

Communications John van Winkoop 842-8167/ 861-7733

Wildlife Tomorrow -this program is a provincial program that recognizes landowners who preserve habitat on their own land for use by wildlife. The Weyburn club will provide to the landowner at no charge -gate signs with the landowner’s name, pioneer name (if applicable) , and our branch name . Habitat may include sloughs, bush, native prairie, pastures, abandoned farmsteads, undeveloped road allowances, marginal land, and heritage schoolyards. For more info or to get an application form contact T. Kerslake (861-6985) or J. van Winkoop (861-7733)

Henry Kelsey Kelly Kozij 842-0565

We are continuing the Weyburn Wildlife Federation Volunteerism Bursary Award at the Weyburn Comprehensive School. This is given annually to the Grade 12 student whom best exemplifies enthusiasm to school, community, and WWF activities. Potential for long term involvement with the WWF branch will also be considered. A written application forwarded to the W.W.F. and the school’s scholarship committee regarding future education and plans is requested. The recipient and a parent or guardian must be members of the Weyburn Wildlife Federation branch.

WWF Archery club: the NASP program is gaining ground at the Comp. School, our range at Goodwater is being used regularly, but we do need to replace targets occasionally, and other supplies. The youth/ family archery program at Q.E. School has been a success this past winter.

Remember to be eligible for trophies, you must have bought your membership before you go hunting or fishing, and entries must be submitted to the club before Dec. 31 of the year.

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